Insomnia I'm usually fast asleep at this time. But for some reason, I can't relax tonight. So, what better way to spend this extra time than surfing the net? Even my cats are sleeping. I can hear the soft snore of a kitty in the distance. But not me, I am as wide eyed as can be... I guess I'll just surf around until I get sleepy. Sorry for the boring post... :) Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Wednesday, July 24, 2002 More Quotes "We so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." - Alexander Graham Bell "There are only two ways to live your life: One is though nothing is a miracle, and the other is as if everything is." - Albert Einstein "Dream as if you'll live as if you'll die today." - James Dean Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Thursday, July 18, 2002 Camera Happy Last Christmas, I received a Canon Rebel camera from my husband. I knew that with a baby on the way, I was going to want the best pictures that I could possibly get. And the Canon Rebel has done that! It's an SLR camera with automatic and manual options. But, now my creativity is taking over me. I want to take even better, more unique photos. I went out and bought a set of close-up filters. I could make a quarter fill up about 75% of the frame! (I don't know who would want picture of a large quarter...) There is so much that I want to learn about the manual features, but I find it hard to grasp. If anyone knows of any good, easy to understand websites that explain f-stops and aperture in plain, easy to unserstand English, please let me know! Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Thursday, July 11, 2002 Creativity Overload My creativity comes and goes. Lately, it has hit me hard! I want to create all kinds of things. I have really gotten back into my website, so I have spent a lot of my creative energy updating that. And while I was working on that, I thought I would give graphic design a shot. On top of that, Chip got me this great book for my birthday on photographing your baby. So I shot two rolls of film on her. And while I was at it (since I was inspired) I shot a roll on Chip. A few of those are posted on his page. Oh yeah, and I have this great idea for a Dream Theater skirt and/or shirt that I would like to sew. I haven't been in front of a sewing machine in years! And my watercolors...I haven't touched them in so long. Have I mentioned scrapbooking? I love to make scrapbooks...haven't done that in a while. Yikes! Where did I get all of this creative energy?!? I sure hope it sticks around for a while. Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Wednesday, July 10, 2002 Quotes Of The Day "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey; we are spiritual beings on a human journey." - Stephen Covey "Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." - Carl Jung Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Tuesday, July 09, 2002 Birthdays, Birthdays and more Birthdays Happy 50th birthday to my mom! This is the year for BIG milestones! Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Monday, July 08, 2002 30! Today, I am officially no longer in my twenties! Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Sunday, July 07, 2002 Celebrations It has been six years to the day since Chip took me for that surprise hot air balloon ride and asked a question that changed our lives forever! It was such a special day that we continue to celebrate it every year. The other special occasion on July 7th is my dear friend Kimmy's 27th birthday! May you have a wonderful birthday Kim! (I know it can't be that bad since you are celebrating on a beach in Florida!) Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Wednesday, July 03, 2002 My Birthday = Holiday In July It's only five days until I am the big 3-0... but really, it's no big deal to me. I couldn't be happier with my life and to me it's just a numbering system for all the wonderful years I have spent on this planet earth. However, since so many that are near and dear to me were born in this lovely month of July, it's more like a holiday than a birthday! I've been shopping and shopping over the past several days trying to find better than average birthday gifts for my family and friends. I've done pretty well for the friends, but I am finding it difficult to find a great gift for my mother. She turns the big 5-0 the day after my birthday. I like to be creative with my gift giving, but time is running out. Hmmm, guess I'll have to keep thinking...tick, tock, six days to go!!! Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook |
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