Otherwhere I'm reading a very interesting book called Otherwhere by Kurt Leland. It's kind of strange how I found this book. I was surfing the net for watercolor websites and I came across an artist named Nita Leland's site. I signed her guestbook which included a link to my site, so she stopped by for a visit. She noticed the interest I had in paranormal and psychic topics, so she e-mailed me to tell me about her son's book called Otherwhere. Such a small world. So, the book is about out of body travel. A topic that I haven't read a whole lot about. (surprising for someone who has tons of books on near death experiences, past life regression, psychics, etc...) I am finding the book very fascinating and interesting. Kurt talks a lot about many of the out of body travels that he has experienced and what he has learned while there. He claims to have visited the same place that many do when they have a near death experience. I'm only about half through the book and am looking forward to reading more! I have never had an out of body experience, but I have had some dreams in my past that may have been the start of one. When I was around 21, I would have this reoccurring dream that I am floating out of my body but I would panic and try to scream until I finally woke up realizing that I was just dreaming. Kurt also talks about how when you first try to get out of body, there is often the feeling of hands trying to keep you in. When I was very young, around 4 or 5, I used to have this reoccurring dream that there was an opening in the ceiling of our house which led to a forbidden attic. (the house I lived in at the time had no such thing, not even an attic) I would dream that I wanted up there so bad, but the people up there would not allow me. *** November 2002 - If you found this by searching for Kurt Lealand in a search engine, leave me some comments as to what the buzz is about Kurt! I have gotten many hits to this recently and I want to know what I am missing! *** Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Friday, August 23, 2002 Ocean City, MD We finally did it, we went on our first family vacation. After many changes in who was joining us on this adventure, it ended up only being me, Chip, Maleena and my mom. We went from having seven of us to six to seven again and then finally only four. It took us nine hours which included three stops to get there. Maleena wasn't real happy about being in her car seat that long. We stayed at a beachfront hotel with a view of the ocean. Between the major crying fits that Maleena had while we were there, we managed to spend a little time on the beach, walk the boardwalk and visit Assateague Island. (it's so cool to see the wild horses there) Maleena did find the waves of the ocean exciting as they rolled passed her toes, and she liked being carried in the Cozy Rider around the boardwalk. (I felt like Dr. Evil and Minime the entire time) Other than that, she probably would have been happier if we would have stayed home. All in all it was a nice vacation, just a bit exhausting! ![]() Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Wednesday, August 14, 2002 Catch Maleena did an amazing thing last night...she "played" catch with a ball! She was sitting in her exersaucer and I decided to throw this little ball to her. To my surprise, she would grab the ball with both hands. When I told her to throw it back, she would push it on to the floor. I would then say, "Are you ready to catch the ball?" She sat there with the most serious look on her face, staring at the ball and holding her arms open. I would again toss the ball to her and she would catch the ball. What a cool feeling to witness your child learn! I can't believe that at 6-1/2 months old, she actually got the concept! I love being a mommy! Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Sunday, August 11, 2002 Austin Powers Goldmember Last night Chip and I went to see Austin Powers while my mom watched Maleena. It was the first time that we have been to a movie theater in over 6 months! The movie was lacking a good plot, but it was great for a few chuckles. The best part about the Austin Powers movies is seeing Mike Myers play all these different characters. It's amazing to think that the two main characters are played by the same person. Oh, and you've gotta love minime. If you are just looking for a fun movie, I would suggest this one. Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Wednesday, August 07, 2002 Annual Cook Out This past Saturday was our annual backyard barbeque party. We had a smaller crowd than usual this year, which was okay since it's a little harder to cook and entertain with a baby. It's interesting watching how we and our friends are multiplying! The first year we started this (4 years ago), there were 2 children in attendance. This year there were six! (almost eight, be we had a cancellation) It's also funny watching how your parties go from being centered around beer to focusing on babies as you grow older. :) It's always a fun time and this year was no exception. I think that it is important to try to keep friends getting together as often as possible. Even if it's only a couple of times a year! Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook |
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