The Tables Will Turn My 1 year old has been extremely clingy to me over the past several weeks. Whenever I am planning to going out, I have to make sure she is busy with dad in another room so she doesn't see me leave. She had a cold that started a couple of weeks ago that disrupted her normal sleeping routine. I could always rely on putting her to bed between 9:30 and 10:00 and get her up around 9:00 in the morning. She would also take a two hour nap in the afternoon from 1-3. That's all out the window now. She was up at 6:30 this morning as she was a few other days this week. We no longer have a normal routine. She was so sleepy after being up for about two hours that she fell asleep in my arms. I put her in the crib and she instantly wakes up and cries, "ma-ma-ma-ma!!!" So I just held her for a little bit and reflected on the feelings of flattery and frustration that I felt at that moment. On one hand, I would have like to have a couple of moments to myself and on the other, I felt blessed that this little soul wants to be nowhere else but in my arms. I thought ahead to when she's older and gaining independence and no longer feels the need to be close to me for comfort. This time will come and it made me a bit sad to think about it. I thought to myself, she's crying now because she doesn't want to be without me and someday, I'll be the one who is crying when I don't want to be without her. Parenthood is such a bittersweet experience. It sheds a new light on your own childhood experience. It makes you realize how hard your parents really were working for you. I feel so lucky to have this experience, even if it makes me feel overwhelmed at times. Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Saturday, February 22, 2003 More On Photography Have I mentioned how much I love photography? I started a Photography 2 class a couple of weeks ago. I took Photography 1 about a year and a half ago. I was extremely confused from the first class, since the teacher wasn't very good at teaching. (He was good at photography, though) The teacher that I have now is excellent. Things are starting to click! I am really starting to grasp this stuff! I have read books, but nothing really sunk in. This guy just has a way of explaining things so they can be easily understood. I am so excited to develop my next roll of film to see how I have improved. Since I am planning on a career someday in photography, I thought that I should start a website. It's still in it's beginning stages, but I am happy with it so far. If you would like to check it out, click here. You may or may not have noticed that I have added an Image of the Week section to my blog. It's over there on the right. I thought it would be fun to post a new picture that I have taken to try and keep this site visually interesting. Since I haven't had much time lately, I haven't updated it. Bear with me, I will be changing it soon! I'm so excited to start shooting pictures with my new knowledge. Now, I just need to find some subjects and some time! Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Thursday, February 13, 2003 Can't We All Just Get Along? Over the past few weeks, I've been trying to ignore the fact that we might go to war. Sometimes when I do that, it will just go away. This time it seems so much bigger than in the past when we've gone to wars. To be honest, I don't completely understand the entire thing. My basic understanding is that Iraq has some weapons of mass destruction which they claimed not to have had. Now we are going to war with them for this violation. (correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't been following it to the detail) I keep hearing that it is important to have a disaster plan, since war is likely to bring on retaliation. This didn't bother me much at first. I had flashbacks to all of the chaos around the Y2K bug. I always felt that nothing was going to happen in that situation, and it didn't. But I don't like the feeling around this situation. Maybe my feelings of complete security have changed (and everyone else's) since September 11, 2001. There are some tips posted on on creating a disaster plan. There is also a section that elaborates on preparing for terror which goes into details about different kinds of attacks like, chemical, biological and nuclear. It mentioned that if you see a nuclear fireball not to look at it, for it can blind you. I found that really disturbing to read. It just makes it feel like it's a real possibility that something bad could happen here on US soil. But, I am going to take a moment to shake these bad feelings. I believe in positive thinking. I do not wish to experience massive destruction or a new way of life. I hold my highest of hopes that this rift in our world will somehow settle and things will start to change for the better. How do you feel about this current situation? Leave some comments. Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Tuesday, February 11, 2003 February 11, 1995 Today is a special day. Eight years ago, my husband and I got together. We were friends before February 11, but it took some work on my part for us to get together as a couple. ;) I truly feel that was the day that my life began. Every day since has been filled with nothing but wonderful moments. I never really believed in that there was a such thing as soul mates, until we began dating. We have shared so much and have tons to be thankful for. We are so lucky to be the best of friends. And now we have our beautiful daughter to share our love with. I am so thankful to be blessed to share life with this wonderful man! Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook Tuesday, February 04, 2003 True Romance Turtle I just got my copy of the issue of True Romance with my turtle's picture in it! For some reason they left the word "are" out between turtles and unusual. It makes me sound like someone who doesn't write much! Anyway, the picture turned out really cute! Not bad for a $50 check! Now I just can't let Fred know about the articles surrounding his picture. It could be traumatizing to know that your picture was featured in a magazine with articles like, "Vampire Mistress", "My Mother Is Mine - All Mine" and "Fired For Being Beautiful." :) (there are some really bad titles but I am afraid of what kind of visitors may find my site through search engines if I post them here!) ![]() Posted by Sharon Return to Sharon's Cyber Scrapbook |
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